On Sunday, January 12, 2025, we will be closing at 1pm to take inventory. We will reopen on Monday January 13, 2025, at 9am. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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29 Race Lane
East Hampton, NY, 11937
United States






“I've dropped in a few times when I wanted to be sure to pick up at least three favorite flavors of La Croix (please don't judge!) and they always have them plus a whole lot more. Now with the virus, I call to place delivery orders. They are so friendly and helpful.” Five stars!

- Rita G.

“Awesome selection, super convenient from the train. Great staff too. My new beverage hot spot.”

- Jay S.

“Sam's has a great selection of soda and water and beer and everything is easy to find. The service is excellent-they bring heavy orders to your car. Prices are also competitive. It is a real pleasure to shop here and the owners always are friendly. Keep up the great service, great prices and selection! Well done.”

- Steven W.

“This is the place where I go in the Hamptons for all of my beverage needs. It's not just a friendly and helpful staff, but they have great beers and drinks for every occasion.”

- Joshua F.